Homemade Milk Kefir FAQ

Homemade milk kefir FAQ

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How do you know if kefir has gone bad?

If milk kefir is stored long enough it changes its taste and becomes more bitter. The longer it is stored the more bitter it’ll become. Any time taste bothers you, just dump it and start a new batch.

Milk kefir grains buy

Buy milk kefir grains here with delivery over the continental USA

Milk kefir how long does it last in a fridge?

Strained milk kefir can last 2 weeks or longer when stored in the fridge. But its taste qualities degrade over time. You may notice taste differences between fresh kefir and stored after 3 – 5 days.

Homemade milk kefir alcohol content

The amount of alcohol in milk kefir is typically very low, less than 1%. The exact amount of alcohol will vary from batch to batch. The alcohol content in milk kefir can be increased if the typical fermentation period extends or if fruits or berries are added. Although the overall amount of alcohol in milk kefir will remain very low. 

Milk kefir calories

In one cup of milk kefir calories are ranging from 80 calories to 160 calories. The exact number of calories in milk kefir depends on the milk used. 

Carbs in full-fat kefir

The exact amount of carbs in full-fat kefir is between 1 and 4 grams depending on the fermentation duration. Typically longer fermentation fewer sugars remain in the kefir.

Is homemade kefir lactose-free?

Yes, kefir is practically lactose-free dairy. Most of the milk lactose has been digested by bacteria in the fermentation process. So when you drink kefir it has very little to none lactose. And if you drink homemade milk kefir, additionally you receive live bacteria that help your guts to process lactose rich products.

Milk kefir origins

Milk kefir originated in the Caucasus mountains where the drink was fermented naturally in bags made of animal hides. 

Historically milk kefir remained unknown to the world outside of the Caucasus region. Because of the legend says that the sharing of milk kefir grains was strictly forbidden due to believing they would lose their power.

Homemade milk kefir vitamins

Milk kefir is rich on vitamins and microelements: Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B9, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K2, Iron, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Zinc

Milk kefir vs yogurt

Milk kefir contains up to 60 strains of bacteria and yeasts, making them a very rich and diverse probiotic source. While yogurt often contains only a few strains and doesn’t contain any yeasts.

Milk kefir whey

Milk kefir whey is a liquid part of the over fermented kefir. Over fermentation is considered to be the process when kefir grains left too long in the milk. Then whey separates from the curds. 

It’s well known that whey is very rich with vitamins and minerals, proteins, primarily of α-lactalbumin and β-lactoglobulin, bovine serum albumin, and immunoglobulin. It also contains a very low level of fat. 

Milk kefir zinc

Milk kefir contains 1.1g zinc in 200 ml. Zinc helps your immune system and metabolism function.

Milk kefir ph level

Milk kefir pH level 4.2 – 4.6 according to Wikipedia. Is it really true? We did the test for homemade milk kefir pH level.

Milk kefir pros

Milk kefir is a superfood rich in proteins, vitamins, and microelements and low to none carbs. Most importantly in milk kefir are probiotics and yeasts which strengthen guts microflora and help to improve the immune system and strengthen health overall.

Milk kefir during pregnancy

During pregnancy, milk kefir can be recommended into a diet because its probiotic features could help strengthen the immune systems of the mother and baby.

Milk kefir vs water kefir

Both milk kefir and water kefir are the fermented products and the results of good bacteria digestion of carbs. As the name suggests water kefir and milk kefir use different habitats.

Milk kefir has more nutrients, probiotic strains and fewer carbs compared to water kefir which with fewer calories and more sugars fits in as a refreshing beverage.

Milk kefir vs coconut kefir

Milk kefir vs coconut kefir differences and similarities. Both beverages milk kefir and coconut kefir are products of milk kefir grains digestion of carbs in dairy milk and coconut milk respectively. 

Coconut milk kefir fermentation is faster than dairy milk kefir. Milk kefir and coconut kefir nutrition value is different as dairy milk nutrition value is different from coconut milk.

It is also cheaper to produce dairy milk kefir than coconut kefir because of milk prices.

Milk kefir heartburn

Milk kefir calms heartburn. Because milk kefir is a great source of gut-healthy probiotic that’s important for sustaining healthy bacteria in your stomach and reducing heartburn.

Can I eat milk kefir grains?

Yes, it is OK to eat milk kefir grains. While it is absolutely safe to consume milk kefir grains, it may not be a cost-effective practice. You won’t receive any extra benefits from eating milk kefir grains that you can’t get from drinking milk kefir produced by these grains.

Milk kefir on skin

Milk kefir has only positive effects on the skin. Either from drinking milk kefir or from applying directly on the skin. Milk kefir probiotics help detoxicate the body which in turn improves the health of the skin.

Milk kefir fermentation time

Milk kefir fermentation time 16-22 hours. The best indicator of milk kefir fermentation completeness is when the whey bubble appears at the bottom of the jar. That indicates milk kefir fermentation completed on the volume of the milk and milk kefir is ready to be consumed. 

How long it takes for milk kefir fermentation depends largely on milk to grains ratio and on the ambient temperature. 

Homemade kefir grains to milk ratio

1 tablespoon of kefir grains to 1 quart of milk gives you a perfect ratio to complete milk to kefir fermentation in 24 hours.

How long can you leave kefir grains in milk

Kefir grains can be left in milk for as long as it takes them to consume all lactose. That can be completed faster if the ambient temperature is higher and the ratio of grains to milk higher.

Can you make kefir with powdered milk

Yes, you can make milk kefir with powdered milk but consider it as a last resort or extreme case. 

Milk kefir how long to ferment

Ferment milk kefir for 24 hours or until achieved the desired result. One tablespoon of kefir grains will turn one quart of milk into kefir in 22 hours when ambient temperature about 78F

Milk kefir ready

Milk kefir is ready when you see the pocket of whey formed at the bottom of a jar. If not strained or placed in the fridge fermentation process will continue until kefir whey separates from curds.

Milk kefir not thickening

The reason for milk kefir not thickening could be either a low ratio of kefir grains to milk. Or milk used has a too low content of fat. 

Milk kefir not fizzy

Milk kefir not fizzy is a good sign indicating your grains are not too yeasty and fermentation time was right. To make milk kefir fizzy ferment longer time under tight closer lead.

Milk kefir over ferment

Milk kefir over fermented when liquid whey separates from a curdled thick part. Over fermented milk kefir develop sour taste but still can be consumed.

Milk kefir keeps separating

If milk kefir keeps separating most of the time the means that milk grains to milk ratio is too high. Or the temperature of fermentation is too high.

Milk kefir lid or cloth

Milk kefir must be covered while fermenting by lead or cloth so insects or garbage won’t fall in it.

Milk kefir halal

Is milk kefir halal? Yes, milk kefir is halal because it contains little to none alcohol less than 0.5%. Such a very neglectable amount can’t intoxicate person so drinking milk kefir is halal.

How to Store Milk Kefir Grains

There are few known methods of storing milk kefir grains like freezing, drying, slowing their activity, etc. From many years of experience, the best option to store milk kefir grains is in milk in the fridge.

All your questions about making milk kefir at home and how to take care about kefir grains answered