Oats Milk Kefir Breakfast

Preparation Time: 3 minutesCooking Time: 3 minutes

Super healthy and tasty breakfast made with homemade milk kefir and oats a great option for people of all ages.

If you love your homemade milk kefir already try this and more awesome recipes with milk kefir to enjoy healthy and tasty food 🙂


  • 1 cup homemade milk kefir
  • 1/2 cup of whole-grain oats
  • ¼ cup of berries or 2 tbsps of honey


  1. Mix all ingredients together

Dimi Farmer

Born and raised in Eastern Europe. I traveled and lived in many European countries. I learned about their culture and traditions. Now living in the USA, a great melting pot of cultures I love enjoying cultural experiences from all around the world. I am finding one in common among many different people is their strive for healthy long-living. We are made of what we consume. I strongly believe it is true. So the better food we eat, the healthier we are and can more enjoy our lives. And that became my mission. I spread the word about healthy eating habits, provide people with nutritious super-foods, and encourage everyone to produce their own.

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