How to Store Milk Kefir Grains

How to store milk kefir grains

There are few known methods of storing milk kefir grains like freezing, drying, slowing their activity, etc. From many years of experience, the best option to store milk kefir grains is in milk in the fridge.

Between all the options on how to store milk kefir grains, I choose the least harming for my grains.  Storing milk kefir grains in their natural habitat where they can get nutritions from is more human option among others. 

Of course, storing kefir grains in milk is not a universal solution, and for some people in some situations would not be viable. Like for example if they leave their pace for a month or longer.

This can be an extreme time period beyond which kefir grains in milk will starve and could die.

I can make a choice to store kefir grains in milk in the fridge because fermenting kefir is a routine process I used to do for many years. Milk kefir is on my menu almost every day.

For how long kefir grains can be stored in the fridge?

I am always keeping a backup batch of milk kefir grains in the fridge. Just in case my main batch got accidentally thrown or got bad, it is smart to have a backup option. It served me only once, but it is better to be safe than sorry.

When keeping milk kefir grains in milk in the fridge remember to change milk every so often. The grains are not completely on pause, the fermenting process continues in the colder temperature however in a much slower rate.

You need to try and see what milk to grains ratio will work for storing your grains. Use ¼ of cup milk to keep 1-2 tablespoons of grains for 3-5 days stored in the fridge without any harm. 

Increase the ration and it may last even longer. But can storage time be extended without increasing milk to grains ratio? The answer is yes. Using the same rule as above milk kefir grains can be stored for much longer, 2-3 weeks but they will lose some power. Temporarily not forever. 

To revive milk kefir grains from longer storage place the grains in fresh milk and let them ferment in the room temperature. When you see whey separated from curds, strain the kefir (don’t drink it) and give them fresh milk again. 

This process of reviving milk kefir grains may need to be repeated if grains were stored for a longer period of time.

Pro tip: Fermenting milk kefir while stored in the fridge

If you leave a house for 2-3 nights and want to have fresh kefir when return home there is a solution to how to achieve this.

Note: This option will work best if used only on occasion not often than once a week because kefir grains need to gain strength to produce good-tasting kefir in cold temperature.

Place 1 tablespoon of kefir grains in 1 quart of milk and put a jar in a fridge. After 48-60 hours all milk will be fermented into kefir.

All your questions about homemade milk kefir answered

Dimi Farmer

Born and raised in Eastern Europe. I traveled and lived in many European countries. I learned about their culture and traditions. Now living in the USA, a great melting pot of cultures I love enjoying cultural experiences from all around the world. I am finding one in common among many different people is their strive for healthy long-living. We are made of what we consume. I strongly believe it is true. So the better food we eat, the healthier we are and can more enjoy our lives. And that became my mission. I spread the word about healthy eating habits, provide people with nutritious super-foods, and encourage everyone to produce their own.

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