Milk Kefir Biscuit Recipe

Preparation Time: 10 minutesCooking Time: 12 minutes

These biscuits are great to have in your recipe collection. It can be made in many combinations of flavors and served with a variety of dishes.
Try adding a bit of sugar, vanilla, and dried currants for a sweet biscuit to serve with strawberries and cream.
Or add dill, shredded cheese, or some jalapeños for a great savory biscuit on the side of soup. Bacon and herbs are always a go-to since it’s great as a breakfast biscuit.

If you love your homemade milk kefir already try this and more awesome recipes with milk kefir to enjoy healthy and tasty food 🙂


  • 2 cups unbleached flour
  • 1 tbsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp kosher salt
  • 1/4 cup frozen unsalted butter
  • 1 cup homemade milk kefir scant cup
  • 2 tbsp chopped fresh herbs I used thyme, parsley, and chervil. You can also try tarragon, chives, and rosemary too


  1. Heat oven to 425F
  2. Whisk together the flour, baking powder, and salt
  3. Using the large holes on your grater, grate the butter into the flour mixture and mix lightly with your fingers until well distributed, and it looks like all the butter bits are covered with flour
  4. Add the chopped herbs you are using
  5. Pour in the homemade milk kefir
  6. Stir just until all the dry bits are incorporated, no longer
  7. It should be sticky and shaggy, not wet.  Sometimes humidity will affect this.  You'll get used to your dough, and know when to add a splash extra liquid, or to flour your surface a bit more heavily.  See the next step
  8. Lightly flour the work surface and turn your dough out onto it.  Lightly flour the top of your dough and use your hands to pat it out into a rectangle little over 1 inch thick.
  9. Fold that rectangle towards you.  Rotate the dough counterclockwise and roll it out gently using a rolling pin.  Use a bouncing motion from the center of the dough, careful not to crush the out edges and destroy the layers.  It's important to roll very gently.
  10. Repeat the folding and rolling two more times
  11. Roll the dough out to about a 1 1/4 inch thick.  Using a floured biscuit cutter, cut your biscuits (be sure not to twist the cutter or it will seal the outer edges and they won't rise well)  Gently gather and re-roll the dough until it is all used up
  12. Place the cut biscuits onto a parchment covered baking sheet, so that the biscuits are just touching each other.  This will ensure that they can help each other rise
  13. I don't brush them with anything, I like them simple.  But you could easily wash them with either egg or a bit of kefir for a glaze.  Sprinkle them with salt and pepper if you want.
  14. Bake for 10-15 minutes depending on the size of your biscuits, the weather, and your oven.  They should be golden brown and fluffily cooked through.  
  15. Enjoy them warm with all manner of honey, sausage, jams, ham, and of course, grass-fed butter.

Dimi Farmer

Born and raised in Eastern Europe. I traveled and lived in many European countries. I learned about their culture and traditions. Now living in the USA, a great melting pot of cultures I love enjoying cultural experiences from all around the world. I am finding one in common among many different people is their strive for healthy long-living. We are made of what we consume. I strongly believe it is true. So the better food we eat, the healthier we are and can more enjoy our lives. And that became my mission. I spread the word about healthy eating habits, provide people with nutritious super-foods, and encourage everyone to produce their own.

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